Services for Newcomers

Newcomers from all over the world benefit from our expertise in all pension and insurance topics. Especially when it comes to life risks (disability, death) and retirement. HAYSEN will help with the purchase of residential property and the placement of pension assets when leaving Switzerland.


The basic insurances when coming to Switzerland

When moving to Switzerland, newcomers have to deal with a lot of administrative work. It is therefore recommended to quickly and easily cover the essentials. HAYSEN has the experience and knowledge to provide you with the best possible support. Together we determine what cover you really need and prevent unnecessary coverage.

Health Insurance

Basic insurance is compulsory and you have to choose a provider within 3 months. It provides benefits in case of illness, pregnancy and accidents. There are many online providers. Since there are gaps in the basic insurance, it is also important to take out supplementary insurance. As these are difficult to compare, expertise is needed.

Household Contents Insurance

Covers damage at home and when travelling around the world. For example, damage due to water, fire, storm, burglary or theft. There are various additional coverages as well as various comparison portals, but be careful: The devil is in the detail.

Personal Liability Insurance

Comprehensive protection against claims for damages by third parties. Extremely important cover which is not expensive. It covers damage that you cause to other people and their property. For example, if there is property damage in a rented flat or you cause a traffic accident with your bicycle.


The next insurance level living in Switzerland

HAYSEN will be happy to advise you on all insurance issues after the initial phase, depending on your individual needs.

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Many newcomers come to Switzerland without a vehicle. Most car dealers offer insurance when a car is purchased. It makes sense to compare offers. There are more and more new digital solutions that can be very interesting.

Family & Children Insurance

When a father or mother earns the majority of the income, it is important to know how the continuation of salary is covered in the short, medium and long term. Any gaps in coverage can be covered. Gaps in coverage can also be covered for children.

Legal Expenses Insurance

Legal expenses insurance is a private-law insurance contract that is intended to protect the insured person from the financial consequences of legal disputes. The scope of cover ranges from advice and legal assistance to the assumption of legal costs and lawyers' fees.

Cyber Security Insurance

Doing banking, shopping online, booking vacations, social media: All this and much more can be done conveniently digitally today. But the more networked we are, the more active Internet criminals and hackers are. If you become a victim of cybercrime, cyber insurance is there for you. It makes your digital life easier.


Pension Analysis and Asset Management

HAYSEN offers a comprehensive pension analysis and presentation of the benefits of the unique Swiss "3-pillar system" (AHV, pension fund, 3rd pillar). We recommend this service especially if you have a family, or if there are gaps in your pension due to missing contribution years. There is nothing more important than protecting your family and securing your retirement including a professional long-term asset management.

Pension Analysis

The pension analysis focus is on benefits in the event of disability, death and retirement. The desired income and expenditure are presented with corresponding proposed solutions. Presentation of the analyses and the proposed solutions as well as the submission of a client dossier with the corresponding client documents are part of the service.

Tax-privileged Savings 3A

With banks or insurance companies, you can pay several thousand francs a year into the third pillar and deduct it from your taxable income. The tax burden is reduced, which is why this form of old-age provision is highly recommended. Banks and insurance companies must comply with the same regulatory framework and laws for their 3a pension solutions.

Buying a Property

A promotion, a life partner, a new family member; various reasons lead newcomers to settle in Switzerland for a longer period of time. Then, the important question arises of whether to buy a house or a flat. There are many arguments in favour of this. Haysen helps you with the important decision whether to rent or buy.

Investment Advice

If you need assistance on how to best invest your savings or are looking for a savings plan for your children: Haysen will help you find the best investment opportunities. The corresponding advisors are subject to the Financial Services Act (FIDLEG) and the Financial Services Ordinance (FIDLEV) and are registered in the advisor register authorized by the Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA):


Leaving Switzerland

HAYSEN advises you when leaving Switzerland since an (unprepared) departure from Switzerland can have severe financial consequences and gaps in coverage. There are dangers in the termination and/or dissolution of insurance benefits, in particular cancellation of CH policies, pension fund capital and pension policy 3a as well as the decision as to how saved pension capital can be continued.

Cancellation of Policies

With the deregistration certificate, insurance contracts can be cancelled. Haysen also helps you when you leave Switzerland.

Pension fund

You have saved retirement capital in your pension fund. The pension fund cannot be continued if you move away. Depending on the country you move to, you can withdraw all or only part of the capital. But be careful: the tax implications should definitely be clarified before making the decision. Our network can help you with this decision

Pillar 3A

Depending on which solution you have chosen for the 3rd pillar, you must terminate the contract and transfer the capital. This can be a great disadvantage with a securities solution. Many people who move away want to continue a private savings plan in Switzerland for diversification reasons. If you (have to) withdraw the capital, the tax consequences should also be analysed.

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